Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Billboard loans blog is migrating from google to wordpress.

I have migrated this billboard loans blog  from the google blogger site directly to my new wordpress website so you won't find any new posts on this site.  You can access the new billboard loans blog directly via  I have loaded all the old blog content onto the new site.  You can sign up at the new site to receive direct blog feeds.  If you have questions send me an email.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

13 Billboards Key Component of Campaign To Defeat Union Shop

Here's an interesting Reuters article about how 13 billboards were a key component of the successful campaign to defeat the United Auto workers attempt to represent workers at Volkswagen's sole US factory.  Volkswagen wouldn't let the anti-union group campaign on company premises, so the anti-union group bought 13 billboards in town so that workers could see their message driving to and from the plant and so that people in town could view their message.

Don't be shy about publicizing the effectiveness of billboards in getting political messages across.  Midterm elections are in 6 months.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Five Questions for Scott Spector

As a billboard owner and lender I know the importance of insurance.  I had a lending client who's digital billboard was wrecked by a fire in the building next door.  My client replaced the board quickly thanks to insurance.  Scott Spector of the Libsco Financial Group has been meeting the insurance needs of billboard companies for more than years.  He is an associate member of the Independent Billboard Operators Association.  You can find out more about Scott Spector's services at or by contacting him (847-763-5324 or

1.  How did you start insuring billboards?  20 years ago I had a client who needed insurance for his billboards to get a bank loan.  There was no one out there helping the small business owner with billboard insurance.

2.  Why is insurance important for a billboard company?  A company or individual should always carry liability insurance  just in case something happens.  In regards to billboards I am sure you would want to protect your investment if something happened to them.  We also insure for the monthly rental value if somethings happens to the billboard.  If companies have employees or independent contractors it is the law that you have to carry workers compensation.  We also work with companies to make sure they obtain correct certificates of insurance from companies that work on their billboards.

3.  How are billboard companies unique from other companies when it comes to underwriting insurance?  Location, location, location.

4.  What info will an insurance company want to see to underwrite insurance?  Location, the value of the billboard and rental value.

5.  What is the most common mistake small companies make when it comes to insurance?  Companies or individuals don't think that they can obtain insurance for their billboards for the monthly rental value if something happens to the billboard.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

New website launched.

Today is the launch day for the website.  The website describes the lending activities of several income funds run by Dave Westburg, John Weller and Jim Penney.  The website also talks about the lending process and highlights recent lending transactions in addition to hosting Dave's blog on billboard loans.  The name reflects the fact that Westburg, Weller and Penney are focusing most of their lending and investment banking activity on the outdoor advertising business.