Thursday, August 29, 2013

Proforma financials for a billboard.

I've summarized below the proforma financials for a 14 by 48 billboard which is in a good location.

Revenue of $1,500/month if the billboard is one sided.  Rents can be higher if the billboard is next to a freeway in a big city and lower if it is on a less frequented road.

Land lease expense of $300/month or 20% of gross revenue.

Insurance of $50/month.

Electricity of $100/month.

Sales commissions (if you don't sell the sign yourself) of 20% of revenue or $300/month.

That leaves cashflow of $750-1,050/month depending on whether you sell the ad yourself of pay a sales rep.  It's easy to like a business with a 50-75% cashflow margin.


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