Tuesday, December 10, 2013

What Businesses Benefit Most From Billboards

Just read a blog post titled Billboards for Small Businesses: 7 Reasons To Think Twice.  The post is skeptical about billboard advertising: billboards are expensive, they created unwanted calls from sales reps, they have a limited run and they can't be personalized.   The article concludes, however, with an excellent summary of the types of companies which benefit from billboard advertising:

Local Businesses. - Restaurants and retailers near the board.  Think "Turn Here" or "Next Exit" candidates.

Businesses Selling High Ticket Items. -  Auto dealers, jewelry stores, appliance dealers.  My highest grossing billboard is sold to a jeweler.

Businesses with mass market products. - Tax accountants, plumbers, doctors, dentists, attorneys.

Creative businesses who want to build a brand.  Brand advertising occurs most often in big cities like LA and New York.  I get little brand advertising at my plant because it is located in a smaller city.  Also, brand advertising is very cyclical and dries up in a recession.

1 comment:

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